Thursday, October 15, 2020


 SAINT HEDWIGE, the wife of Henry, Duke of Silesia, and the mother of his six children, led a humble, austere, and most holy life amidst all the pomp of royal state.

- Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament was the keynote of her life.

- Her valued privilege was to supply the bread and wine for the Sacred Mysteries, and she would attend each morning as many Masses as were celebrated. 

-After the death of her husband she retired to the Cistercian convent of Trebnitz, where she lived under obedience to her daughter Gertrude, who was abbess of the monastery, growing day by day in holiness, till God called her to himself in 1242.

St. Margret Mary Alacoque

It is impossible to deny the message she heralded as revealed: that God loves us with a passionate love. She promoted the devotion to the Sacred Heart.

After considering marriage this lady entered the order of Visitation nuns at the age of 24. On Dec. 21 1674, she received the first revelation of the heart of Jesus as a symbol of love. After serving as novice mistress and assistant superior she died at the age of 43 saying 'I need nothing but God, and to lose myself in the heart of Jesus'

Monday, October 5, 2020

SAINT BRUNO, priest, founder of the Order of St. Bruno (Carthusians)


He was born at Cologne, about A.D. 1030, 

- With six companions he applied to Hugh, Bishop of Grenoble, who led them into a wild solitude called the Chartreuse. There they lived in poverty, self-denial, and silence, each apart in his own cell, meeting only for the worship of God, and employing themselves in copying books. 

He died in 1101.

Feast of the conversion of St. Paul

 Feast of the conversion of St. Paul My turning point "I asked, ‘What shall I do, sir?"  (Acts 22:3-16) Beloved, there is a signif...