Sunday, November 14, 2021

Preserve me O God🙇🏾‍

 Thirty-third Sunday in ordinary time (B)

Preserve me O God🙇🏾

He will gather his elect from the four winds. (Mk 13:24-32)

Beloved, if God should mark our guilt who shall survive? 

At the end of Nigerian movies, the caption often read, 'to God be the glory' 

We are reminded today about the end, how glorious it will be for our own journey to be heaven at last. These readings might have either made us worried or relieved. Which ever, we are called today to make an introspection, to evaluate our lives and make necessary amends to be on track. 

Only the righteous, the elect shall be with God. The response and journey to God's call is not automatic, its a daily job, it thrives and grows through falling and rising, learning and growing in love. Those who respond to this call of holiness; he justifies and in turn would glorify. We are his elect by baptism, we are his saints! 

However elect and saints of Christ,😇

 Are you making conscious effort, Is our life lived in accordance with the precepts of God? Are we  living in fear of the end time or making effort to order our steps in the eternal word of Christ which shall not pass away? 

Dearly beloved, this life as we know it is passing away and full of vanities, we are to live it in hope and in view of the next.

 Let's Make an introspection and evaluate our lives so far, bearing in mind that we are not justified by our power and might, but by our faith; the power of grace and the redemptive mercy of Jesus Christ. Let's pray with the psalmist, 'preserve me oh God for in you I take refuge.' Amen.

May our lives be on track in the life in Christ, whose word is eternal yes and amen. Amen!

Happy Sunday

Gerald Nwogueze, OFM Cap.

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