Friday, July 24, 2020

St. James the Greater, Apostle.

Being his favourite

-What was it that won James a place among the favorite three? Faith, burning, impetuous, and outspoken, but which needed purifying before the “Son of Thunder” 
-their ambition to be at the right and left was purified that the purpose of authority is to serve. 
-St. James was called while mending their father's net with his brother St. John the beloved. 
- James was one of the three favoured who went with Jesus and witnessed his Transfiguration,  the raising of Jarius' daughter to life and the agony in the garden. 
- James was the first apostle to be martyred. Herod had him killed by the sword along with his companion.
-This James the greater should not be confused with James the lesser who wrote the book of James (May 3).

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