Tuesday, September 8, 2020

His mercy is greater than my sins.

Don't give up, struggle on, God will support us, just trust the process! No one said its going to be easy, only know its going be worth it.

Which is better to say when we sin,

 "o my soul, we are so miserable, useless and most abominable of all creatures cus we have offended him who loves us so much"  


"O my soul, yes we have messed up, arise and let's make effort not to mess up again?"

The truth is that, 

we still need to promise again and yet again and again never to sin again. No matter how many times we have made them and broke them, because God counts and sees every conscious effort you make keeping them not only the number of "I will never do it again," only do not take those second chances for granted.

Sometimes God allows me to fall just to let the "Have mercy on us" make more meaning and to turn accusing finger inward. Cus I will be more slow to judge the other person whose sin may have irritated me. I will then be like, I don't have power to condemn. Then "Your, him, you" turns to "Our, We, Us" 

He loves US even in OUR weaknesses. Let's pray for each other and not condemn ourselves.


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