Monday, September 14, 2020

Mother of Sorrow, Queen of peace. Pray for us

Today is memorial of Our Lady of Sorrow

"And sword will pierce your own soul too, so that the secret thoughts of many may  be laid bare" (Luke 2:35)

We have to live life to the full- moments of joy, we prosper and make Merry. Also expect pain, poverty and suffering. They make us weak but stronger, yearn for but trust all the more. 

Christ did not promise us sun without rain, love without hurt, life without suffering, he promises to fill our suffering with his presence!

We all can't be suffering at the same time, so that others can console us, give us hope and joy to balance our affliction. I need you, we need us.

Every cross we bear has been sanctified with equivalent grace within, that's why when you think you can't go on, God sends your Mother Mary, Simon of Cyrene, Veronica and women of Jerusalem. Say Yes, accept the cross, for there lies the crown, death- resurrection.

Mother sorrows, Queen of peace, pray for us!

Good morning. Have a nice day

-Gerald Nwogueze OFMCap

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