Wednesday, September 29, 2021

St. Jerome, Priest and Doctor.

 Born to a rich pagan family, JEROME led a misspent youth. Studied in Rome. Lawyer. Converted in theory, and baptized in 365, he began his study of theology, and had a true conversion. Monk. Lived for years as a hermit in the Syrian deserts. Reported to have drawn a thorn from a lion‘s paw; the animal stayed loyally at his side for years. Priest. Student of Saint Gregory of Nazianzen. Secretary to Pope Damasus I who commissioned him to revise the Latin text of the Bible. The result of his 30 years of work was the Vulgate translation, which is still in use. Friend and teacher of Saint Paula, Saint Marcella, and Saint Eustochium, an association that led to so much gossip that Jerome left Rome to return to the desert solitude. He lived his last 34 years in the Holy Land as a semi-recluse. Wrote translations of histories, biographies, the works of Origen, and much more. Doctor of the Church, Father of the Church. Since his own time, he has been associated in the popular mind with scrolls, writing, cataloging, translating, which led to those who work in such fields taking him as their patron — a man who knew their lives and problems.


347 at Strido, Dalmatia


419 of natural causes
interred in Bethlehem
relics at the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome, Italy

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