Thursday, December 2, 2021

Fiat Voluntas Tua! (Thy Will be done!)

 Thursday of the first week in Advent (C)

Fiat voluntas tua

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of heaven but the one who does the will of my Father"(Mt 7:21, 24-27)

Beloved, 'Christianity no be for mouth'. It's one thing to be a Christian and another to make Christ's words the rock of your Christianity. We are called Christians; being like Christ, acting like Christ, thinking and speaking like Christ, an in summary, being another Christ. On this basis, actions speak louder than popular acclamations.

What a misery it would be that on the last day, after being a Christian, a religious, minister, priest; with all the duties, practices, deprivations, sacrifices and so on, we get the reply, 'I do not know you'. However, in faith and hope; the Lord is our portion, justified by faith, of course not without good work. This is only when we do the will of the Father; founded on Christ the rock.

Beloved, a house built on the rock stands firm amidst rain, storms, problems, evil, obstacles and limitations. They come during and after we have received the word and Eucharist, to distort our disposition and distract them from taking root in us. Let's watch and pray.

That's why when temptations to steal, to fear, to commit sins against purity; fornication, masturbation, pornography and others, to lie, to judge, to let your anger and pride take hold of your emotion, etc. come, the house built on Christ stands unshaken, a life that abides in the word, full of the spirit, wisdom and fear of the Lord, perseveres to the end. 

What saves me at last, where have I built my being a Christian; acting on Christ's word; the rock, or on sand; being without acting? 

Let in a nation that is just, one that keeps faith. (Is 26:1-6)

Thy will be done O Lord!

Good morning and have a blessed day.

-Gerald Nwogueze, OFMCap. 

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