Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Mark of Greatness

Thursday of the third week in Advent, year C.

Mark of greatness 

"...among those born of women, no one is greater than John; yet the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he.”

Beloved, what is the mark of greatness? John wanted nothing of himself, he understood his role and humbly carried it out; he served. What else can we associate to the least in heaven? the lowest of ranks? Or service?

The greatest among you must be your servant. No matter the status you bear, it comes with great responsibility, the greatness lies in the service.

Humility is a mark of greatness. Humility is truth. In truth beloved, the bulb does not shine for itself, its greatness lies in its being light to others and shinning brightly. Jesus who praises John is not left out, He humbled himself (kenosis) and was obedient unto death, not for himself, for you and I. He stooped low to wash the feet of his disciples, showing us the way to greatness.

Bringing it down to myself, I have my responsibilities. Baptism has placed a role on me; to be Christian, likewise religious life, family, citizenship, etc. has placed roles on me. I will account for them; my greatness is not in the status but in my humble service.

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