Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Is God still with us?


 Thursday of the first week in Ordinary Time. Year C

Is God still with us? 

 “Why has the LORD permitted us to be defeated today by the Philistines?" (1 Sm 4:1-11)

Beloved, this was a very bad moment for Israel. They were defeated and the All powerful ark was  captured. Why?

There had been moments when I questioned the whereabouts of God while his people suffer. But coming to think of it, we abandoned him first when we chose to sin, but did the just God ever abandon us because of our sins? 🤔 

Why would God, All powerful and loving not prevent evil on his people? Don't we deserve good life, no sickness, no robbery, no accident, no kidnapping, no rape, no death, a cross free Christianity? 

The gospel of Mark 1:40- 45 instead, presents Jesus offering his healing presence to the leprous man, and all who sought him even when he wanted to be alone in the desert. No matter what caused the defeat of Israel today, obviously the sons of Eli and Eli were forewarned, Christ did not promise us sun without rain, love without hurt, life without suffering, he promises to fill our suffering with his presence! So in the mystery of suffering, will you still hold on to him?

We are often confused on what direction to take in the _way_ full of diverse routes, wide and narrow; who to trust in a _truth_ mixed with falsehood, and troubled over a _life_ that has an end, unknown to us. -Fulton Sheen-. Christ calls us to abide in him always, he is the way, truth and life, cut off from whom we can do nothing. 

Good morning and have a blessed day.

-Gerald Nwogueze, OFM Cap.

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