Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Sacrament and the Sacramental


 Lenten Journey 30/40

Sacrament and the Sacramental

Whoever looks at the bronze serpent, shall live.  (Nm 21:4-9)

Beloved, wow it's our 30th day and today just as the bronze serpent was lifted as a sign for healing, Jesus reveals the sign of our redemption.

 Catechism teaches, "Sacramentals are sacred signs. They prepare men to receive the fruit of the sacrament and sanctify different circumstances of life... they always include prayer, often accompanied by a special sign, such as laying of hands, the sign of the cross, or sprinkling of holy water" (CCC 1668,1677) Apart from sacramental liturgy and sacramentals, other  forms of popular pieties sorrounding sacramental life include veneration of relics, stations of the cross, making the sign of the cross, genuflection, rosary, medals and other private devotions. (CCC 1675)

Sacraments too are outward sign of inward grace but they were directly instituted by Jesus. Sacramentals don't confer grace as sacraments do, but by the church's prayer they dispose and prepare us to cooperate with it (CCC 1670) they are the extention of the sacraments, they orient or lead us to them.

What's in Sacrament and sacramental 🤔 its actually the form and matter. Moses provided the bronze snake and mounted it and as far the  people looked at it, it effects healing. So also, the words/formula of blessing/consecration is  uttered by the priest/minister, and the effect follows necessarily. Dearly beloved, to whom much is given much is expected. What a treasure we have in the sacraments and sacramentals, unfortunately some deny themselves of this grace.

Good morning and have a nice day.

-Gerald Nwogueze, OFM Cap.

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